The already mentioned adjustments for Excel and PowerPoint also contribute to a higher efficiency.

This applies, for example, to the new Dark Mode, which allows you to be significantly more productive even in the evening hours. Above all, the practical improvements in the area of technology mean that the application has now been noticeably simplified once again. Of course, the even better productivity is not only derived from the revised tools and functions. Search results are now instant, with more ways to refine and filter results. You can now annotate emails, draw in a canvas for messages, or translate emails into more than 70 languages.

This lets you re-arrange elements to optimize them for screen readers. Arrange elements on your slides for screen readers.If you’re using ink in PowerPoint, you can now replay illustrations as they were drawn. This new PowerPoint feature includes presenter video recording, ink recording, and laser pointer recording. This searches for a specified item in an array or range of cells and returns the item’s relative position. An Excel feature that lets you assign names to calculation results. New functions in Excel that use dynamic arrays. Helps find things in a table or range by row in an Excel worksheet. New features of Office 2021 Home & Business for Mac Word Here are the most important new features of Office 2021 for Mac These new features enhance productivity, help you analyze your data better and stay on top of the game in today’s fast-paced work environment. This major upgrade of Office has new features in every application. Take your documents and presentations to the next level with Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Business for Mac and get everything you need for your business. In this new version of Office 2021, all of the programs have been updated with more powerful features and better cloud integration, making it easier for you to accomplish more in less time. Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Business for Mac is the leading small business suite worldwide. Description Microsoft Office 2021 Home & Business.